Archive for May, 2009

Very Good Logos

Here’s a site that at very least could be used for inspiration in logo design. 38One has an extensive collection of very good logos from around the world. Check out the site!

Logo Trends for 2009

Every year there seems to be trends in logos, not many stand the test of time, but for instant recognization, many business models fall into the trends of the time that they’re staring their brand.  Logo Lounge has posted a great article about all the recent trends from photo fills to mosaic styles. Be sure to head over and check it out.

Are Competition Entrance Fees Worth it?

Stephanie Orma wrote a nice little blog post about the lure of graphic design competions an their hefty fees involved in entering. While some may not find the appeal of the contests too strong, Stephanie makes a good point by saying that even if you don’t win, your design may be seen around the world, and that is very appealing. Be sure to read the post at the Examiner.